Our why.

Turn on any news station, and you’ll be inundated up to your eyeballs with information. So how is Do What You’re Told™ any different?

Many believe what they hear on the news, assuming news correspondents gather research and verify its accuracy before sharing with the public. But could they be leaving things out? Do our government and socially conscious institutions have the public’s best interest at hand, or could they be crafting a narrative that helps them gain power and control? Is the media acting as our watchdog, or are they pandering to their advertisers and in bed with the same institutions they are supposed to be watching? Many Americans cringe at our corporate-controlled “mainstream media” and believe that institutions have too much control, but…

What’s the alternative?

The good news is many reputable sources of independent news and commentary, free from conflicts of interest, have popped up over the last few years. The bad news is these sources are not easy to find. Why would any mainstream media broadcast their competition or point you toward stuff they don’t want you to see? 

That’s where Do What You’re Told comes in. 

Do What You’re Told™, née 2022 in Philadelphia, was born out of a concern for the significant increase in the suppression of information, perspective, and debate. “What is not being reported” has become - and perhaps always was - the biggest bias in the news today. However, without a free and investigative press how can people take action to keep our government and institutions in check?

A few of us free-thinkers put our heads together to come up with something that could break out of this censorship paradigm. We started with the belief that if only more of our friends saw the same massive quantity of thoughtful, rational, substantiated, uninfluenced information that we were seeing, they would wake up! and in turn keep our leadership in line. We just needed to figure out a way to deliver digestible information somewhere they would see it. With that in mind, Do What You’re Told came to life. Our mission is to:

  • Aggregate independent news & views of critical importance from all over the internet and social media. This is the stuff you’re not getting if you just follow mainstream media. (It’s basically, like, all the stuff we wish our besties would see!) And,

  • Amplify those hushed voices to encourage educated conversation and debate. We do this through our website and our newsletter. More significantly, we also go unplugged. We’re talking old school— billboards, flyers, and mailers; media that hasn’t yet been completely eaten up by the powers that be.

Why subscribe?

If our purpose of bringing hype-free, can’t-be-bought journalism and commentary to the forefront (thereby encouraging critical thinking and more broad, healthy debate) resonates with you…

Subscribe to our newsletter DWYT to wake up with the best-of independent news & views delivered directly to your inbox twice a week.

And, if you already understand what’s happening with censorship and follow independent voices like Michael Shellenberger, Bari Weiss, Zach Bush, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Vandana Shiva, Whitney Webb, Jessica Reed Kraus, James Corbett, Russell Brand and many others, then you’re already pickin’ up what we’re puttin’ down. Please consider supporting a zip code campaign so we can pass it on!

Peace, love, and dissidence,
—The snarky, lovable writers of DWYT

I'm down. Let's fund those billboards!

Based in Philadelphia, the City of Brotherly Love, we are a 501c3, so your contribution is likely tax deductible. Got a question about our campaigns, or something else? Drop us a line! Contact: dowhatyouretolders@gmail.com

Because what if what’s NOT being reported is really what you need to know?

Subscribe to Do What You're Told

📣 A newsletter aggregating free-thinking independent news & views from multiple non-mainstream media sources.


Writers of Do What You're Told, a Substack newsletter aggregating independent, non-mainstream media from multiple sources.// DoWhatYoureTolders@gmail.com